(A beautiful message from Hadassah International)
Zionism Update
For nearly two weeks, Israelis endured an unyielding barrage of rocket attacks that have forced defensive operations to stop the terror. Air raid sirens were sounding and bomb shelters were occupied, and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) worked carefully and methodically to ensure that innocent lives are protected — both in Israel and in Gaza.
With news updates sharing contradictory accounts of quickly unfolding events, we want to help you understand what's happening — and how you can help.
The battle was not nor has it ever been between Israelis and Palestinians, but Israelis and terrorists. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are the enemies of coexistence. Their actions undermine efforts to build a more peaceful, tolerant future, and threaten innocent Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza. Support for peace requires support for Israel.
The loss of innocent life is tragic. Israel remains committed to supporting innocent Palestinians with critical humanitarian aid. Yet Hamas puts Palestinians in harm's way and actively blocks desperately needed fuel and medical supplies. This week, an Israeli convoy with humanitarian aid was struck by mortars as it passed into Gaza.
Amid these acts of terror, the cooperation of Arabs and Jews at Hadassah’s hospitals brings us hope. Hadassah is a prime example of the positive impact coexistence can have on the health and vitality of communities.
Israelis and Palestinians know that Hamas has no interest in peace, instead committed to destroying Israel and killing Jews.
Hadassah has always and will always support the democratically elected government of the State of Israel, and the people of Israel. And we pray for the safety and well-being of all people suffering under the terrorist threat.
Take action to support Israel by contacting your members of Congress.
Visit the National Action Center today and urge them to support Israel and her people. Hadassah strongly opposes any efforts to impede the US sale of precision-guided weapons that Israel needs to defend itself.
Ask them to support legislation that binds the US and Israel more closely together.
Urge them to endorse a Hadassah-led effort to protect Palestinian children from the lessons of hatred and antisemitism that help fuel continued acts of terror.
Speak with your friends and families to help them make sense of what’s happening, and share news and information about the positive work at Hadassah.
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc.
40 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 | 800.928.0685
©2021 Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. All Rights Reserved.